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Healthy Lifestyle and Diet:

Best Evidence and Strong Medical Support for the Following:

Exercise - 3 hours per week (this is considered a minimum, more is better)


Contacts and Support - this is support for your diet and health maintenance program.   The medical evidence suggests that more than 14 contacts in 6 months is best.  This is about 2 per month or every other week.  A contact can be a physician visit, dietitian visit, weight watchers visit, or health coach visit.


General Diet Tips

  • Avoid liquid sugars (fruit juices, alcohol, milk, full sugar soda) (as a novice dieter, try water and flavored water and keep in mind that skim milk is low fat but full sugar)


  • Avoid high fructose corn syrup containing products.  Please read the labels.  This is a common additive in everyday food products.


  • Diet per meal not dieting per day. Eat multiple small meals per day.  The body can only use 400 calories at a time.  More than this at a single meal is stored as fat in the blood, fat in the liver or fat in the tummy.


  • Avoid liquids with and after a meal.  Dieting is already difficult.  Water dumps the food out of the stomach faster and you will be hungry sooner.  It also causes a glucose spike and an insulin spike. Drink your liquids before the meal, wait a half-hour for the liquids to empty the stomach, then eat a solid meal and do not drink any liquids for 2 hours.


Information summary from Dr. Mark Graves, Internal medicine.

Probiotics and Prebiotics—these are some health and nutrition “buzz words” right now.  But do you know what they mean, and how pre-and-probiotics may affect your health? Information from a FaceBook Lunch and Learn 04/07/2017;

Probiotics and PrebioticsWhat They Mean to Your Health

Medical Orphans - Getting optimum health, losing weight, and staying healthy is hard.  Contacts and support are scientifically found to help.  The EXTREME opposite are people who do not have a close relationship with their primary care physician within the context of a Patient Centered Medical Home.  Join a medical family and don’t be a MEDICAL ORPHAN.

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