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Pain Management


Chromic pain is one of most difficult problems for doctors to treat. The chromic pain disrupts so many aspects of patients lives. It is also a problem for which we have no measurement  of how bad is the pain. We do things like rating pain scale of 1 to 10 or asking what activities can be preformed. 

Doctors try to find an underlaying cause of the pain and then treating this problem. If a bone is broken, we splint it. If there is inflammation we use anti inflammatory medications. If there is cancer we try to remove it. 

Some pain is generated from the body making its own inflammation. Fibromyalgia is an example of a bad pain and for which we have no cure. Research scientists are getting close to having a blood test to make a diagnosis and several medications are approved to manage the fibromyalgia pain. 

My take home message for people with chromic pain:​​

  • See your doctor frequently. Most of my patients ​with this type problem see me or have a phone visit once a month

  • Make  a pain diary and review it with your doctor at every office visit  â€‹


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