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Welcome to the Doctor Sevarg and Son Healthy Person Website
Our goal is to help you help yourself
Doctor Sevarg has science based observations to help you
The Healthy Diet and Weight Loss Videos will help provide you the knowledge and the skills to be a thinner and healthier you. This section has 7 videos for your use. I go back to my roots as an engineer, I ask you to think about your body as a machine. The videos are at the end of this page and also in the Videos tab for your convenience.
The Clinical Research section is where we can help each other. I am interested in your ideas about research projects.
The Meet the Team tab is the most important to me. This is where I thank my son Rob for all of his help.
Introduction and Background - Basic science information about losing weight and being a healthier person. Losing weight and being healthy depends on a deep understanding of how our body machines work.
The body is a metabolic machine - The Brain, Activate your FREE WON'T (a part of the brain)
The body is a metabolic machine - The Fuel (food), Keep the DIESEL fuel out of our high-tech HYBRID bodies
The body is a metabolic machine - The Sensors, Practical tips: Manage Hunger and Satiety (these are two different sensations with different mechanisms and with different treatment strategies)
How important is exercise - Preview, Really Important
How much weight should I lose - the short medical answer is 5% to 10%. A more comprehensive discussion is in the video
Weight loss medication - phentermine
My disclaimer:
The materials that I have presented for your use is my personal opinion. They are based on scientific medical principals. They are meant to help you with your health. Please discuss your individual circumstance with your primary care doctor.
The Body is a machine. The Brain.
Activate your "Free Won't"
This is a part of your brain.
Losing weight and being healthy depends on a deep understanding of how our body machines work.
How important is exercise?
Really, Really, Really Important
How much weight should I lose?
The scientific answer is 5% to 10%. The detailed information is part of this video
The Body is a machine:
The Fuel
You become what you eat.
The Body is a machine: The Sensors and What they do.
A Medication for weight loss.
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